Saturday, December 26, 2009

start the scratch tracks

Well Christmas came and went and now I've some more time to myself. The second week of January marks the official beginnings of the production process for my new full-length album. I'll be heading up to Three Hills to see Mark Troyer at the Muzik Haus - where we'll start recording scratch tracks and narrowing down the final selection of songs for the album. I'm really excited about the new material that I've come up with since the release of 'the RED ep' and I hope you're all looking forward to hearing it as well. Happy belated holidays folks.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

new site complete

The new website is finally done and I'm stoked to have it all done with for now. There is some pretty cool stuff to check out - especially the option to 'Partner' with me on the new album. Check it out!


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

new website approaches

Yes, finally, an updated website is on the way. I'm stoked to have it up and running and there will be lots of cool things to check out - especially partnering on the new full length album!

I hope everyone in my hometown, Calgary, is liking this weather better than me. The winter has really been getting my goat the past couple of years. Hopefully this will be a mild one.
