Thursday, November 04, 2010

CD Release Tour - entry 3

What an amazing couple of days... yet again. ;)

Monday saw Nate and I perform six more concerts at Langley Christian school and after seeing Nathan dominate a bowl of pasta at Ikea in the afternoon, we headed to Vancouver for a house concert at Oak Street House - courtesy of our good friend Ruth! (shout outz)

What an incredibly stellar evening. The apartment had been decked to the nines with artwork from a local painter and friend, Andrea Chamberlain ( and there was an intoxicating scent of fresh baking, coffee, and teas. In addition to the beautiful art and beautiful smells, many beautiful people began filing in the door and we soon had ourselves a full house. YEEESH! How could anyone not like house concerts!? Did I mention how beautiful these people were?

During the concert I was able to introduce Nathan to another friend of mine, Sean Aiken: writer, filmmaker, and employee extraordinaire. He invited us to Surrey the next day for a screening of his new film, a documentary on One-Week Job (

Tuesday was mostly comprised of eating, relaxing, and conversing. (We also caught the screening). A good break from a couple of busy go-go-go days. Yet again, the Oddsson home provided all the rest we needed and naturally it was sad to say goodbyes this morning but it's all part of the job. The 'shows' must go on; and we've got plenty more coming! Till next time...

-J04L & Nate

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