Saturday, November 27, 2010

CD Release Tour - entry 7 (the final chapter)

I realize a good week has passed since the tour was officially over. It's been a new challenge for me to try and keep up-to-date with blog entries and I sincerely hope to keep this going from now on - preferably on time.

This CD Release Tour was an incredible experience for both Nathan and I. To have been able to drive my own vehicle (which I am so thankful for) across the Western Provinces of Canada and share meals and stories with many friends (new and old), and to live off donations and the generosity of our hosts and others has been an incredible blessing and humbling experience. There was a providential kind of provision throughout the three-odd weeks we were on the road, and for that I am truly thankful.

A sincere thank you goes out to everyone we met along the way. Thank you for being part of this blessed experience.

Peace and love,

-J04L & Nate

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